The Memory Trap
Each program can either be scanned or actually run. Click on the link of the .txt version to look at the program. The text in between /* and */ are the instrructional comments and not part of the working code itself.
To run a program (In Linux or Unix), download the .c file, and compile it atthe command line, i.e. "cc sample.c" or "gcc sample.c" depending on which compiler you use. This should give you a program called "a.out" which you can run by typing "./a.out" at the command prompt.
Keep in mind, nothing much happens when you actually run one of these programs. The idea is that if you want to tinker with the program itself, to explore how each feature works, then you have a working program to start with.
Functions: function.c, function.txt
Pointers: pointers.c, pointers.txt
How pointers work with arrays: PointerArray.c, PointerArray.txt
For Loop: ForLoop.c, ForLoop.txt
execs call (for executing Unix commands): execs.c, execs.txt
strcpy (for copying strings into an array): StringCopy.c, StringCopy.txt
Exit Handlers: ExitHandlers.c, ExitHandlers.txt
Ingesting arguments: argies.c, argies.txt
Getting the process id: CLibCallgetpid.c, CLibCallgetpid.txt
Recasting data types: recast.c, recast.txt
Parsing a string (using strtok): strtok.c, strtok.txt
Sending signals between a parent process and a child process using a POSIX signal: signals.c, signals.txt
Sending data from a parent process to a child process using a pipe: pipe.c, pipe.txt
Using two pipes: 2pipes.c, 2pipes.txt
Using a named pipe: NamedPipe.c, NamedPipe.txt