#include main() { int a; a = 6; /* The "*" defines the variable as a pointer ... */ int *pointer_a; /* the % symbol in front of a variable will reveal */ /* the memory location where the variable is held */ /* Also called the left value, or lvalue of a variable */ printf("Variable a is %d\n", a); printf("The address of variable a is 0x%p\n", &a); /* Assign the location of a to the pointer... */ pointer_a = &a; /* Show the value of pointer_a... */ printf("Pointer a is to 0x%p\n", pointer_a); /* Show pointer_a's own address, using the "&"... */ printf("Pointer a's own address is 0x%p\n", &pointer_a); /* Show the variable value pointer_a is referring to, using the "*"... */ printf("Pointer a actually points to %d\n", *pointer_a); return 0; }